Treatment of varicose veins in legs.

Diseases of the lower extremities and veins have been known to mankind since its inception. The treatment of varicose veins in the legs is appropriate for women and men. The disease is an enlargement of the superficial veins of the lower extremities. It is accompanied by impaired blood flow and valve failure.

There are 4 forms of varicose veins. According to the clinical classification, problems do not always bother people. In the initial stages, the symptoms are not noticeable or the signs are extremely insignificant. Some of the patients have enough annual visits to the sanatorium, the second will need treatment in a specialized medical center.

Conservative treatment

The treatment of varicose veins is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a specialized center. In selected difficult cases, surgical intervention cannot be avoided; however, conservative methods are used in conjunction with surgery. Only a surgeon can get rid of an advanced stage, but it is quite possible to slow down vascular disease to improve well-being using conservative methods.

Below are some examples of varicose vein treatment. There are two conservative methods:

Compression method

Previously, it was necessary to bandage the lower extremities with special bandages made of dog hair. Now simple options have been created:

  1. Compression jersey;
  2. Elastic bandages;
  3. Elastic band.

In medical centers, the sweater is often used, it is possible to replace it with bandages; they are cheaper, sometimes more suitable for the specific treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. These items are purchased by the patient for treatment on their own, then used at home for preventive purposes or as recommended by a physician. Positive consequences:

  1. Vein diameter reduction, reflux, ballast blood volume, capillary filtration;
  2. Increased blood flow speed, venous pump efficiency, reabsorption, lymphatic drainage;
  3. Elimination of reflux in some cases.

There are many details to consider when choosing compression products. If we talk about bandages, for diseases of the lower extremities, medium and short stretch bandages are used. It is allowed to use a mixture of bandages, create an elastic bandage. Speaking of knitwear (stockings, knee-highs, stockings), underwear should be purchased based on personal parameters.

Medication method

There are many medications intended for the effective treatment of varicose veins. It is not recommended to select medications on your own. It is better to use the doctor's recommendations so as not to worsen the condition of the lower extremities.

Of great interest in treatment is the ASD drug for varicose veins. It is presented for sale in two ways:

  1. fraction 2 - external and internal use. The liquid is yellowish to dark red in color and has a characteristic pungent odor.
  2. fraction 3 - for external use. The liquid has an oily structure, the color varies from dark brown to black.

The fractions differ in the method of dissolution. ASD 2 dissolves in water, ASD 3 is assimilated exclusively in oils and alcohols. The second fraction is added to the water, mixed and taken orally according to the instructions (15 drops per 100 ml of water / tea, 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals). The use will affect the strengthening of the immunity of the vascular walls.

A well-known remedy is a troxerutin-based ointment for varicose veins. The application is intuitive, sometimes requiring a combination of a gel with capsules of the same name. If there is no improvement, it is worth contacting the nearest clinic or specialized center. The ointment is easy to apply:

  1. The lower extremities are thoroughly washed with laundry soap. It is allowed to add a couple of drops of iodine or hydrogen peroxide to the water.
  2. After washing, the feet are dried with a towel.
  3. The gel is squeezed out of the tube in the palm and transferred to the surface of problem areas with varicose veins, diseased vessels.
  4. The ointment is rubbed in gently until completely absorbed by the skin.
  5. From above it is possible to wrap the legs with elastic bandages or use compression products.
leg pain with varicose veins

It is impossible to cure varicose veins with ointments. But using the means, it is observed:

  • competent treatment of varicose veins;
  • elimination of signs of venous insufficiency;
  • Improve Life Quality;
  • preservation of the ability to work;
  • relapse prevention.

It will not work to cure varicose veins in the lower extremities with medication; you should not rely solely on medications. However, the use of funds is important for the prevention of weak vessels of the veins, to accelerate the healing process. Medications can increase tone, microcirculation, and suppress inflammation. The doctor prescribes drugs that are well tolerated by the vast majority of patients.

Surgical methods

It is important that patients know how to get rid of varicose veins in the lower extremities one hundred percent. Only surgical intervention will help in this. The doctor always finds out in advance the specific causes of varicose veins in the patient. The doctor will try to stop the process, slow it down, prevent it from getting worse. Sometimes the reasons are hereditary, the genetic side of weak blood vessels is evident.

the doctor examines the legs with varicose veins

A referral to the clinic is not always a panacea. We will have to try in the future to avoid relapses to start a healthy lifestyle, which everyone can do. If there are good reasons for surgery at the medical center, the patient will have one of the possible procedures:

  1. Phlebectomy. Lasts 1. 5 hours. It consists of the removal of diseased veins. It may be necessary to stay in a sanatorium during the recovery period. There may be a risk of small scars, although the operation is atraumatic.
  2. Sclerotherapy. It is important to walk for an hour after surgery. The procedure consists of the puncture of a vein for the introduction of an "adhesive" drug inside. Control of the ultrasound machine is required. The method in specialized centers is well known in the treatment of blood vessels.
  3. Laser coagulation. It is considered the newest method of removing varicose veins on the legs. After the puncture, special anesthesia is performed and then endovascular obliteration. Many requirements are prescribed in the postoperative period. Immediately after clotting, the doctor applies a compression bandage and it is worn continuously for 5 days.
  4. Radiofrequency coagulation. The method is similar to the previous one. Local anesthesia is performed, no hospitalization is required in the clinic, and no incisions are made. The doctor acts under the control of an ultrasound.

It is recommended to obey the surgeon. Correct postoperative behavior will allow you to rehabilitate earlier, here there is a need for a conservative healing of the veins of the lower extremities.

sclerotherapy as a way to treat varicose veins

Traditional medicine and exercise therapy.

Many patients seek ways to treat varicose veins outside of medical and surgeon centers, fearing scars and paychecks. Often with a similar diagnosis, many procedures are contraindicated: from Charcot's shower to massage. Patients seek alternative medicine methods to combat varicose veins.

The treatment of varicose veins with soda is widespread in folk medicine. The following procedures are performed with the substance:

  • medicinal baths. Will take a bath of 200 liters 7 tbsp. l. soda, or in a 5-liter bucket or container: 200 g of soda with 60 g of alum (buy at the pharmacy). Duration: 15-20 minutes.
  • drinking solutions. Add 1 teaspoon to a glass of hot water. soda, stir well and drink. You are supposed to drink 2 glasses per day in two approaches: in the morning and in the evening.
  • compresses. Famous and simple, with cabbage. A cabbage leaf is soaped with laundry soap, soda is applied to the legs, on top of the cabbage and soap, the leg is covered with soda. The compress is fixed with a bandage, lasts the night. You can use a compress with white bread soaked in apple cider vinegar. The soaked crumb is sprinkled with soda, applied to the legs, fixed with a bandage and left overnight.

Soap deserves a lot of attention. It is better if a hearth is used due to its composition. The soap should be grated with a fine-grated grater. Converted to a dry powder, the soap is easy to soak, use and store. It is allowed to use for the health of the legs:

laundry soap for the treatment of varicose veins
  • Tincture lotions on aspirin (10 tablets) and soap for washing with vodka (200-250 ml). The mixture is pre-infused for 48-50 hours.
  • Ointment based on laundry soap (150 g), fir resin (100 g), olive oil (150 g), beeswax (50 g) and propolis (50 g). The ingredients are heated in a water bath, the resulting mixture is cooled and stored in a refrigerator in a glass jar.
  • Lather with soap for washing. Sore legs are soaped, sprinkled with salt, and covered with cabbage.

They talk about the benefits of an iodine network. Easy to apply:

  1. The legs are rubbed with vinegar;
  2. Apple cider vinegar is used;
  3. Using iodine and a cotton swab, a mesh / stripes are drawn perpendicular to each other at the varicose node sites;
  4. Take a 5% iodine solution;
  5. Draw stripes every 1 cm, touching vertical and horizontal lines.

It is better to draw a mesh with iodine before going to bed. In the morning, the pattern is already absorbed into the skin. Do a test first to make sure there is no allergic reaction. The iodine is applied with a stick to a healthy area of the skin. An hour later, the inspection site is examined, if there is no redness or desire to scratch the skin, the iodine is washed off and a mesh is applied to the problem area.

iodine mesh for varicose veins

When it comes to hydrogen peroxide, be careful. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The doctor will help you correctly calculate the doses and the possibility of using the indicated options to improve varicose veins:

  • Within. The first day of treatment: 3 times a day, a couple of hours after meals. Hydrogen peroxide (1 drop) and boiled water (3 tablespoons) are mixed. On the second day 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide are used and then, increasing by 1 drop upon reaching the tenth day of treatment (10 drops). You take a break for 72 hours. Reception is resumed: peroxide is taken for 2 days, 10 drops each, 3 days off, 2 days - treatment, then again a break for 3 days.
  • Intravenously. Buy a hydrogen solution at the pharmacy, dilute it to 0. 15%. The doctor does not inject more than a quarter of a liter of solution at a time.

Patients know first-hand the healing power of aloe. The centenary grows on the windowsills of most people, it is found in the corridors of hospitals and sanatoriums, in towns and megacities. Preparation is required to apply aloe juice.

  1. Use the oldest aloe leaves. It is desirable not less than 3 years. It's easy to choose - the bottom sheets will be old, which means they will be valuable.
  2. It is important to blanch the cut leaves with boiling water and pat dry.
  3. After drying, the aloe is transferred to the refrigerator and infused for a week.
  4. After cold infusion, blend the product in a blender or with a knife, as finely as possible.
  5. With the help of cheesecloth, the aloe juice is filtered, which is used in the recipe.

There is a known recipe with mummy. For 100 g of aloe (juice obtained by the mentioned method), 5 g of mummy are taken. The ingredients are mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting mixture is applied to varicose legs. The main thing is not to use the method in case of exacerbation of the disease. In autumn and spring, after application, it is better to leave the aloe vera remedy overnight or for a whole day, first put on compression underwear or elastic bandages. After the compress, the legs should be lubricated with vegetable oil (St. John's wort).

Modern methods of treatment involve rest in a sanatorium. It is better to choose a sanatorium that focuses on healing the blood vessels.